Tuesday, November 27, 2012

In the Beginning...

Aloha Everyone,


I should begin (so there is no confusion) by telling you that both my husband and I have the same first name...Lynn. Nice enough name...short, one syllable, and easy to remember.
Of course, all of our family and friends find it quite amusing. We have been called "Big Lynn & Little Lynn", "The Lynns", "Lynn 1 & Lynn 2", etc...
So, I now go by the name Lynn Marie. Such sweet memories. My mother often called me Lynn Marie as I was growing up...ha ha...especially when I was about to be reprimanded for something I had done.

You might be asking yourself, OK, so where does the "Accidental Hawaiians" come into play??
Well, I'll have to go back to 1973. Both Lynn and I are originally from the Santa Cruz area of California. We dated right after high school, but alas, we ended up going our separate ways. He moved to Hawaii in 1974 and I stayed in California.    

So...how does a surfer from Santa Cruz end up on the Big Island of Hawaii growing bananas?? Well, it definitely wasn't for the big waves on this island. Actually, Lynn had first moved to the North Shore of Oahu for the surf. But reality soon kicked in and he realized that he needed to get a real job. He moved to the Big Island and started farming bananas in 1976.

Where do I fit into the picture? How does a project manager for a design firm in Silicon Valley end up on a banana farm in Hawaii?? I blame it all on Facebook :-). With three previous marriages, 5 grown children, and several grandchildren between the two of us, we somehow reconnected on Facebook 35 years later.  Ahh...the wonders of social media!!

With this blog I hope to bring you a small slice of what everyday life is like living in Hawaii. Some people call it "Paradise"...we call it home.

Sunset outside our window
Aloha nui loa   

1 comment:

  1. This morning I delivered 7,480 Lbs of bananas to our wholesaler in Hilo, Hilo Products. They handle the ripening and deliveries to stores island wide.
