Monday, February 25, 2013

Weathering Heights

 At the banana farm our normal rainfall is approximately 10 inches per month. As of the 25th, we have had 28 inches of rain during the month of February. And it's raining right NOW. Banana plants can only drink so much. And they don't like waterlogged soils. We sited our farm on land with excellent drainage so we haven't had any losses so far. Zoe (the Wonder Dog) and T. Rex sure seem to be enjoying the abundance of mud and water.

All of this rain can bring snow to the mountaintops in Hawaii. The air is quite thin at 13,698 ft. But you can do a little skiing/snowboarding if you're willing to share the air.

The road to the observatories (below) is normally closed during the snowstorms. Snow plows usually have it open in a couple of days.

It's almost surreal to see the snow from Hilo town while at the beach in 80+ degree weather.

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