Saturday, December 1, 2012

Filling the Empty Nest

Aloha family & friends and happy 1st day of December!

Like a lot of empty nesters, we have now replaced our children with pets.
They are like our kids, only lower maintenance and more cooperative. They are a genuine part of our household, sharing, eating, and sleeping. We spoil our pets as we did our children and the bond between us keeps growing. They help us feel more needed and they also give us a sense of purpose and satisfaction.

We have four wonderful pets. T.Rex, the oldest of the pack, is our black miniature poodle. But trust me, there is nothing miniature about him or his demeanor. T.Rex pretty much rules the roost and the other animals. :-)

T.Rex the "Mob Boss"
Next in line is Zoe, our golden retriever. Zoe loves everyone and everything. Her favorite past time is to run out into our banana field and find a nice big mud puddle to relax in. So needless to say, she spends a lot of time at the other end of the garden hose getting rinsed off.
Zoe the "Wonder Dog"
Rounding out the foursome are Luna and Bella, our two shelter kittens whom we adopted last summer. They are growing by leaps and bounds, so I guess you really can't categorize them as kittens any more. They are more like kittens hitting their teens and puberty!

Luna the "Foodie"
(she has never met a bowl of cat food that she doesn't like)

Bella the "Explorer"
(she is our hunter & gatherer) 
There is no better way to enrich your life than by sharing it with the unconditional love of pets.

Please visit your local animal shelter and adopt today!!

Aloha nui loa

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